Early Voting for the General Election
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Early Voting FAQ
What is Early Voting?
A: Early voting is a nine (9) day period where voters can vote in-person before Election Day in their county.
Who can vote early?
A: All registered voters can vote early.
When can I vote early?
A: Early Voting in New York State will begin prior to the November 8th General Election. The early voting period will be from: Saturday, xxx through Sunday, xxx.
Where can I vote early?
A: You can vote in an early voting center in Suffolk County – at any of the 12 locations.
How will I vote during early voting?
A: Voting during early voting is the same as voting on Election Day. When you get to the early voting center, you will check in to vote, receive your ballot and vote as any other election.
There will be instructions available at the early voting centers to familiarize you with the ballot. There will also be a notice to voter and bill of rights. You may ask an election inspector to explain how to vote, or if you need any assistance.
If you vote during the early voting period, you are not eligible to vote on Election Day.
When will early voting results be posted?
A: Early voting votes will be canvassed and reported after 9:00pm on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 and the unofficial results will be posted on the Suffolk County Board of Elections website that night.